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You have been directed to this website because the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) believes that you may be legally required to report information about one or more groundwater wells. This website will:
Explain why the State Water Board believes you may own one or more groundwater wells
Explain why you may be required to report information to the State Water Board
Allow you to notify the Board if you do not own any groundwater wells
Help you determine if you are legally required to report information if you do own wells
To get started, please enter your Correspondence ID and full name or company. If you received multiple letters, please click the
'+ Add Additional Correspondence ID' below to add additional Correspondence IDs. You do not need to enter your name for additional letters.
The field is required
Please enter in your Correspondence ID with the following format 1234567-000-O-A12B4
Add Additional Correspondence ID
Thank you, .
Pumpers in Probationary Groundwater Basins are legally required to report information about their groundwater wells and extractions.
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires that groundwater basins develop and implement Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs).
If the Department of Water Resources, in consultation with the State Water Board, determines that a GSP or GSP implementation is inadequate, the
State Water Board may place the basin in probation. With few exceptions, people who pump groundwater from probationary basins are legally required to
report information to the State Water Board.
Pumpers in unmanaged groundwater basins are legally required to report information about their groundwater wells and extractions.
If an area in a basin is not managed locally by a Groundwater Sustainability Agency,
the area is considered unmanaged. With few exceptions, people who pump groundwater from
unmanaged areas within a basins are legally required to report information to the State Water Board.
The State Water Board believes you own one or more reportable wells in Groundwater Basin unmanaged area.
The State Water Board has assessed information from public databases and aerial imagery to identify existing wells in the
Groundwater Basin(s) and estimate their extraction volumes. These data indicate that you may own one of more wells on the parcels listed below. Please review
these parcels, and then click the green button to:
Determine if you are required to report information to the State Water Board, or
Report to the State Water Board that you do not own any wells in the Groundwater Basin.
Parcels that may have one or more groundwater wells:Edit Parcels
Parcel Number
Groundwater Basin(s)
The map below shows the parcel(s) associated with the Correspondence ID(s) you received highlighted in yellow. To remove a parcel that is highlighted in yellow, click on the parcel to unhighlight it.
To add a parcel, click on the parcel you want to add. Parcels that you have claimed will be shown in the table on the right side of the map. When you are done editing your parcels, click Submit.
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Parcels I Own
Parcel Number
To determine if you are required to report information to the State Water Board, or to inform that
State Water Board that you do not own any groundwater wells in the Groundwater Basin unmanaged area, please select one of the following statements to describe your groundwater well ownership and then click the “Submit” Button:
Most households in California use about one third of an acre-foot of water per year. Some households may use more than 2 acre-feet per year for household use if they irrigate large outdoor areas.
I understand that clicking the "Submit" button is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature.
Knowingly making a material misstatement about the information above is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000,
plus $1,000 for each day on which the violation occurs pursuant to section 5107(c)(3) of the Water Code.
Thank you for notifying the State Water Resource Control Board that you do not own any wells in the
Groundwater Basin
unmanaged area
You do not need to report further information to us at this time. Your confirmation number is .
Thank you for notifying the State Water Board that you own one or more groundwater extraction well(s) in the Groundwater Basin
unmanaged area
that extract a total of less than 2 acre-feet per water year for domestic purposes only. Your extractions are considered de minimis, which
means that you do not need to report further information to us at this time. We will contact you if you are required to report additional
information in the future.
To help protect domestic groundwater wells, however, the State Water Board would appreciate knowing where your groundwater wells are located.
The map below shows parcels outlined in grey. The Board believes that you may own wells on the parcels outlined in red and highlighted in yellow.
Please select any parcel on which you own a well by clicking it. You can deselect a parcel by clicking it while pressing the shift key.
When you are done, please click the “Submit” button. If you do not want to provide this information, please click the “Skip” button.
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Thank you for notifying the State Water Board that you own one or more groundwater extraction wells in the
Groundwater Basin
unmanaged area
Cumulatively pump more than 2 acre-feet per water year per basin, for at least one basin, or
Pump any amount of groundwater for any reason other than domestic purpose(s).
You are legally required to:
Report information about your groundwater well(s), pump(s), use, and extractions to the State Water Board and
Pay fees for your groundwater use.
You will need to create a GEARS account to report your information and pay your fees. You can watch a tutorial video on creating a GEARS account by clicking the yellow question mark button. Click the “Create Account” button below to create your GEARS account.
Thank you for reporting that you pump less than 2 acre-feet per year within the Groundwater Basin
unmanaged area. We will contact you if you are required to report additional
information in the future.
Your confirmation number is .
Thank you for helping the State Water Board better understand where domestic groundwater wells are located within the Groundwater Basin unmanaged area.
This information will inform sustainable management of basin groundwater so that domestic groundwater wells are better protected. Your confirmation number is .
We will contact you if you are required to report additional information in the future.
You have already reported information for by using that was sent in a previous reporting letter from the State Water Resources Control Board.
If you have additional CID you wish to report for, you can do so on the previous page or sign-in to your GEARS account.
If you need to change the information that you reported, please contact us at 916-322-6508 or
Your confirmation number
There is a registered user for . Please log in and report.
According to your selection, you have one or more wells and are unsure if you are cumulatively extracting more than 2 acre-feet of groundwater per year.
Answer the following questions, so we can estimate your cumulative use of groundwater per year. Please note that if you extract less than 2 acre-feet of
water for non-domestic use, you are not a de minimis user and are required to report your extractions.
1. Is groundwater being pumped for any other purpose than domestic use (Water used for indoor and outdoor general household use) from the listed properties?
(note: outdoor irrigation for crops or animal watering for business purposes are not considered general household use. Groundwater being supplied to other
parcels not listed should be considered.)
Selection is required.
Parcel Number
Based on the information you’ve provided you do not meet the criteria to
be considered a di minimis extractor and should report your annual
groundwater extractions to GEARS.
Select next to continue back to your selection. If you have questions,
please contact the SGMA team at (916) 322-6508 or
2. Please select additional parcels where groundwater is being supplied
water from your well. The map below shows parcels outlined in grey and
selected parcels outlined in red and highlighted in yellow. Please select
any additional parcel(s) which use groundwater from your well or deselect
parcels that are not receiving water from your well. You can deselect a parcel
by clicking it while pressing the shift key. Once all the parcels where water
is supplied are selected, please click the “next” button.
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Parcel Number
3. Fill in the information in the table below to help us better understand
your groundwater use.
Parcel Number
Number of Households served?
Percent of water use from groundwater.
Based on the information you have provided; your estimated cumulative use is greater than 2 acre-feet per year.
Based on this estimation it is recommended that you do not meet the criteria to be considered a di minimis extractor
and may be required to report your annual groundwater extractions to GEARS. Select next to continue back to your selection.
If you have questions, please contact the SGMA team at (916) 322-6508 or
Based on the information you have provided:
Parcel Number
Estimated Water extracted (acre-feet per year)
According to your estimates:
acre-feet per year
Based on the information you have provided; your estimated cumulative use is less than 2 acre-feet per year.
Based on this estimation you may be a di minimis extractor and may not be required to report your annual
groundwater extractions to GEARS. Select next to continue back to your selection. If you have questions,
please contact the SGMA team at (916) 322-6508 or